brentp / vcfanno

annotate a VCF with other VCFs/BEDs/tabixed files
MIT License
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VQSRTranche FILTER error #120

Closed huangk-000 closed 4 years ago

huangk-000 commented 4 years ago


I caught the below error as I ran the command :
${vcfanno} -base-path ${gemini_data} -lua custom.lua test.conf demo.vcf.gz | bgzip > demo.anno.vcf.gz

The files that I used are attached ( Could you please help take a look? Thanks!

============================================= vcfanno version 0.3.2 [built with go1.12.1]


vcfanno.go:115: found 17 sources from 8 files api.go:796: FILTER error: ##FILTER=. [line: 4] FILTER error: ##FILTER=. [line: 5] FILTER error: ##FILTER=. [line: 6] FILTER error: ##FILTER=. [line: 7]

If you have encountered an error, please include:

brentp commented 4 years ago

hmm. my vcf parser is expecting a Description= field for FILTER headers. I'll see if I can relax this for next version, meanwhile, you can get around this by adding ,Description="something" before the > in your vcf header.

brentp commented 4 years ago

by my reading of the spec, the FILTER header should have description, so this is a bug in whatever is generating your VCF, not in vcfanno or vcfgo.

huangk-000 commented 4 years ago

Thanks a lot! The issue is gone after I added the description.

huangk-000 commented 4 years ago

Thanks a lot! The issue is gone after I added the description.