brentthorne / posterdown

Use RMarkdown to generate PDF Conference Posters via HTML
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Unable to change font sizes for multiple items #117

Open hnguyen19 opened 4 years ago

hnguyen19 commented 4 years ago

Thank you for making posterdown ! This is a similar issue to #56

1) The template I'm having trouble with is posterdown_betterland

2) R version 3.6.2 (2019-12-12) and RStudio 1.2.5033

3) The version of posterdown I am using is CRAN

4) I am trying to specify these items title_textsize: 35 affiliation_textsize: 18 body_textsize: 40 main_textsize: 50 sectitle_textsize: 25 sectitle2_textsize: 20 author_textsize: 25 I appreciate the default settings in a sense that it prevents overwording. My poster is quite wordy so I wanted to shrink all font sizes to accommodate that. Below are the issues that I got. Please see the screenshot for details.

First author name was smaller but not second author. Main finding text became too small. I don't believe that's 50 pt as I specified in yalm. In-text code font size doesn't change.

At first, I thought that it was just the display on the browser and the actual print would look fine but it may not. I tried to make headings half the size of body text to see if this would change but it didn't. Headings are twice as big as body text. Could there be a conflict somewhere that does not allow changing multiple font sizes at once?

If I use the default output setups and write above the (preset, I assume) word limit, my poster will become 2-page. Changing the poster dimension distorted the partitioning of sections. Is it possible to make the fonts change their sizes proportionally based on the actual word count so that one does not have to specify the font size?

Screenshot 2020-01-28 16 14 21

brentthorne commented 4 years ago

Hello and thanks for using posterdown. Based on the yaml example you have posted I would guess that most of the issues are because you are not specifying the units (pt or px) or adding them in quotations as they are needed to be. For example you have main_textsize: 50 where it should read main_textsize: "50pt"

Let me know how things change after implementing that! Also I would recommend using the github version as many good updates have been made and have not made it to the CRAN version yet. I would suggest forking the repo and downloading it from your own fork for stability as well.


hnguyen19 commented 4 years ago


Thanks for your quick response. Yes, most of the problems were resolved as I add pt and put the numbers in "". Heading sizes haven't changed, however. And here come the 2-page poster if you want to take a look. title_textsize: "35pt"
affiliation_textsize: "18pt" body_textsize: "40pt" main_textsize: "50pt" sectitle_textsize: "25pt" sectitle2_textsize: "20pt" author_textsize: "25pt" poster_height: "45in" poster_width: "45in" main_width: 0.3 Screenshot 2020-01-30 09 18 49

Benjipapa commented 1 year ago

I have the issues please. That is, resizing the headers individually