brentthorne / posterdown

Use RMarkdown to generate PDF Conference Posters via HTML
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Chrome not rendering poster correctly, while other browsers do #118

Open CEBerndsen opened 4 years ago

CEBerndsen commented 4 years ago

I am using the posterdown_betterport template on MacOS catalina with Rstudio version 1.2.1335 and R version 3.5.1. When I adjust the caption_fontsize: "2pt" option in my header, the change appears in the RStudio pop-up but has no effect when rendered in Chrome. Safari does show the font size change. Other option changes do appear in Chrome.

I am using Chrome version 80.0.3987.87 (Official Build) (64-bit).

Style and formatting options:


title_textsize: "68pt" author_textsize: "1.17em" authorextra_textsize: "35px" affiliation_textsize: "25px" affiliation_textcol: '#00000080' caption_fontsize: "2pt"

Middle of the poster

middle_fontfamily: "Special Elite" middle_textcol: "#FFFFFF" middle:textalpha: 90 middle_fontsize: "150px"


primary_colour: '#450084' secondary_colour: '#DACCE6' accent_colour: "#5d19c4" body_bgcol: "#ffffff" body_textsize: "33px" body_textcol: "#000000" reference_textsize: "23px"

--Standard Options--

output: posterdown::posterdown_betterport: self_contained: false pandoc_args: --mathjax number_sections: false bibliography: packages.bib link-citations: true

brentthorne commented 4 years ago

Hello @CEBerndsen !

I would suggest trying to use caption_textsize rather than caption_fontsize and see if this helps. In the most recent version of posterdown on github all of the syntax has been changed to use text instead of font as shown here in the wiki

Let me know if this helps!
