brentthorne / posterdown

Use RMarkdown to generate PDF Conference Posters via HTML
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Reduce package install size/ add LaTeX poster as a secondary download #58

Closed brentthorne closed 5 years ago

brentthorne commented 5 years ago

In an attempt to manage the size of this package I think it would be good to remove the LaTeX components of the initial installation of the package. Possibly use something like:


For those who still wish to use it down the road.

Just not sure how to tackle it yet, so any suggestions are welcome!

lwjohnst86 commented 5 years ago

You might not need to remove the latex poster templates. Its not them that cause the problem but the json data files, as mentioned in #65.

brentthorne commented 5 years ago

Thanks for this I will close this issue now that the travis build is working from your merge. I will likely add to the skeleton.Rmd but only use base R and loripsum text just so that the whole poster is filled (ish) for those who want to see what it would look like before inputting their own information (ie those who are new to rmarkdown in general). I've added you as a contributor in the description file as well.

Thanks again

lwjohnst86 commented 5 years ago

Thanks a lot!