brenwell / EvenBetterAuthorizationSample

Apple's EvenBetterAuthorization Sample Project
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Helper Tools Fails To Install Helper #2

Open malavagile opened 9 years ago

malavagile commented 9 years ago

Hello ,

I am working on MAC Application and I am using "EvenBetterAuthorizationSample" code to do some root level stuff.

I have signed the application with my Developer ID and replace dev id everywhere ( 4 Places ) in code with my Developer ID.

The issue is when ever i tried to install the helper tool using SMJobBless is always returns false.

It returns error "CFErrorDomainLaunchd Code=4 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (CFErrorDomainLaunchd error 4.)"

brenwell commented 9 years ago

Its been a while since I played with this, though I did get it working. If my memory serves me, the error 4 means that you have not done all the Developer ID stuff correctly.

I can have a look at my work example. Maybe you can tell me where you have changed the DevID and I will see if it matches

malavagile commented 9 years ago

I have change at 4 Places listed as below. 1 ) XPCService-Info.plist -> SMPrivilegedExecutables -> Helper Tool 2 ) App-Info.plist -> SMPrivilegedExecutables -> Helper Tool 3 ) HelperTool-Info.plist -> SMAuthorizedClients -> App 4 ) HelperTool-Info.plist -> SMAuthorizedClients -> XPC Service

And selected Developer ID as signing in General Tab for Application.

Can match this places with your working code.

brenwell commented 9 years ago

and you ran this Python tool command?

brenwell commented 9 years ago

Ironically, my app is showing the same error, but it is actually granting privilege and I can do privileged tasks

0wnrepo commented 6 years ago

analyticd commented 5 years ago

Does one have to have a Developer ID certificate to make this install or can it be done with a free Mac Developer certificate?