hi Brett! I am not sure if you are the person who created the wct app but I wanted to flag a slight error. I have used the mobile app and the web app and when I printed the tide summary for sept 18-sept 24, the tide info was one day off from what the web and mobile app display. For instances in sept 19, my plan is thrasher to camper. Thrasher to op is passable below 2.4m from 707 to 1128… same data on the tail and tide summary BUT when I print the tide summary this data displays for sept 20… not sept 19.
hi Brett! I am not sure if you are the person who created the wct app but I wanted to flag a slight error. I have used the mobile app and the web app and when I printed the tide summary for sept 18-sept 24, the tide info was one day off from what the web and mobile app display. For instances in sept 19, my plan is thrasher to camper. Thrasher to op is passable below 2.4m from 707 to 1128… same data on the tail and tide summary BUT when I print the tide summary this data displays for sept 20… not sept 19.