brettwooldridge / NuProcess

Low-overhead, non-blocking I/O, external Process implementation for Java
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Don't special case Azul JVMs. #107

Closed bturner closed 4 years ago

bturner commented 4 years ago

On #87 (May 2018), there was a report of a linkage issue when using Azul Zulu 10. As part of fixing that issue, a check was added to use a new code path when the JVM vendor included "Azul".

A month later, #91 (June 2018) was created showing a similar linkage error when using OpenJDK 10. For that issue, the Azul-specific change from #87 was generalized to apply to any Java 10+ JVM, but the Azul vendor check was not removed. As a result, Azul Zulu 8 (for example) attempts to use the Java 10 code path and fails.

bturner commented 4 years ago

I've tested this with:

Without this change, Azul 7.36, 8.12 and 8.44 all fail. With it, every version tested above passes.

Note: Since #87 mentioned macOS and Azul, I've re-tested Azul 8.44 and 11.37 there just for a little extra validation; no issues. (I know LinuxProcess isn't used on macOS; I re-tested just to ensure I hadn't somehow regressed #87.)

bturner commented 4 years ago

As part of preparing to move Atlassian Bitbucket Server over to using NuProcess to run git processes, rather than Java's ProcessBuilder, we introduced a check in our 6.9.0 release which uses NuProcess to run java -version and displays an alert in the UI if that fails, to help detect installations on JVMs, or platforms, where NuProcess won't work.

As a result of that check, we've found that RHEL 5.x can't be used with NuProcess--despite having a sufficiently new kernel--because JNA requires glibc 2.7 or newer. (It might be worth noting this in NuProcess's README, in addition to the kernel minimum version.) That's unfortunate, but not entirely unexpected; RHEL 5 is very nearly end-of-life (November 2020).

However, we also had a support case from a customer running RHEL 7.6, which has a sufficiently new kernel (3.10) and glibc (2.17). Investigating their environment revealed they're using Zulu 8.41 (8u231), which brought us to this issue in NuProcess. We're tracking this issue as BSERV-12135.

benhumphreys commented 4 years ago

In addition to the above testing with Azul's Zulu, I've tested with their Zing JVM too.

Java 8

java version "1.8.0-zing_19.12.100.0"
Zing Runtime Environment for Java Applications (build 1.8.0-zing_19.12.100.0-b1)
Zing 64-Bit Tiered VM (build 1.8.0-zing_19.12.100.0-b1-product-linux-X86_64, mixed mode)

With the above version, NuProcess master fails a mvn verify with error:

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class com.zaxxer.nuprocess.internal.LibJava10
    at com.zaxxer.nuprocess.EnvironmentTest.runNuProcess(
    at com.zaxxer.nuprocess.EnvironmentTest.defaultEnv(

While using bturner:bturner-azul-java-8 (i.e. this PR) mvn verify passes.

Java 11

java version "" 2020-01-07 LTS
Zing Runtime Environment for Java Applications (product build
Zing 64-Bit Tiered VM (product build, mixed mode)

Both master, and bturner:bturner-azul-java-8 pass.

brettwooldridge commented 4 years ago

Awesome! Thanks for the deep investigation and fixes!

brettwooldridge commented 4 years ago

@bturner NuProcess v1.2.6 has been published.