brettwooldridge / NuProcess

Low-overhead, non-blocking I/O, external Process implementation for Java
Apache License 2.0
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Is there any way to set max memory used by the native library #83

Closed udayshnk closed 6 years ago

udayshnk commented 6 years ago

Hi I would like to know is there any way to set the max native memory used by the library as the memory this library uses is not managed by GC.

We have our jvm process running in a small docker container which have a max memory limit of 4 GB. That should include both heap and non heap usage. If the overall container memory reaches near 4GB we have a kernel killing the processes.

brettwooldridge commented 6 years ago

There is no max memory setting, but it is hard to imagine NuProcess taking more than a few megabytes total.

udayshnk commented 6 years ago

@brettwooldridge it didn't take up the memory. I just wanted to know if there is any setting, before we go on and use it in a production environment.