brettwooldridge / SparseBitSet

An efficient sparse bit set implementation for Java
Apache License 2.0
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is 64 bit possible? #14

Open vitusya opened 6 years ago

vitusya commented 6 years ago

Current limit is to use indexes as 32bits ints, is it possible to implement indexes as 64bit long?

brettwooldridge commented 6 years ago

@vitusya Unknown. Probably. Pull requests welcome.

lemire commented 6 years ago

This does not answer your question per se, but you can get 64-bit compressed bitmaps with the org.roaringbitmap.longlong.Roaring64NavigableMap class.

vitusya commented 6 years ago

@lemire Thanks im aware of Roaring64NavigableMap, I am currently using SparseBitSet because for
current task its performs better. There are also Judy bit array written in C, which is solves my problems, but its does not have any serialization and its hard to implement one. Seems i will have to take a look at Roaring64NavigableMap again