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Foundry - should alloys allow productivity? #31

Open Xynariz opened 1 year ago

Xynariz commented 1 year ago

I'm also still undecided on whether alloys should allow prod modules. On the one hand, it's 20 plates in and 20 plates out, so it's elegant to not allow prod modules. On the other hand, it's yet another step in the line, so it feels mean to disallow it. Also feels like a weird place to put a setting, so I kinda don't want to do that either.

Yeah, I definitely did notice the elegance of the aluminum alloys (and experimental alloy data), and it would seem odd for productivity there.

My recommendation would be that if you do choose not to allow productivity for alloys, you could include in the description some string stating as much (something like "Alloying two metals together does not give a productivity bonus"), or else I suspect you'll get the same question later. (Plus, there are some things, like alumina, that I'm not sure if they are alloys, and technically isn't steel an alloy too?)

Yeah steel is an alloy, and true it both allows productivity, and does not follow a 1 item in -> 1 item out pattern.

From a gameplay perspective, I feel like alloys definitely should allow prod - it's at least the same ratios in and out.

But from a realism/difficulty perspective, I can definitely argue that either way.

And if you do decide to make steel different, that'll be tough to balance with other mods (coke vs. coal, etc.), but not impossible

Yeah it's probably best to just allow prod modules. I'll think a little more but won't change it yet. I don't think I'll change steel, too many things (even Titanium mod) are balanced around the ratios

(Source: Brevven) (Source: Xynariz)