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BZ (with SE) - Relative Material usage #34

Open Xynariz opened 1 year ago

Xynariz commented 1 year ago

Note: All this feedback was pre-SE0.6. This feedback may or may not be relevant to SE0.6+.

I am also playing BZ mods together with SE and K2.

I agree that BZ mods could potentially address some of the copper (over)use. And also some core mining balance issues.

Here are some proposed recipe changes that could help, and, at the same time, enrich game play :D

1: Change the first tier module recipes- Reduce the electronic circuit needs from 5 to 2, and then add 1 automation core. This change makes the most sense when aluminum is used since it changes the Automation core recipe.

A quote from another user: "Overall, I like that suggestion, for several reasons. 1) It cuts the amount of copper in half 2) It decreases the amount of graphite (which is also really high) 3) It diversifies what you need (seven materials instead of four) 4) It gives more opportunities for productivity benefit (gear, stick, core) 5) It gives more use for the automation core (which personally, I feel is criminally underused in K2SE) 6) Total cost is nearly balanced (12.5 current vs. 11 proposed)"

2: Change the second tier module recipes- Include tungsten plate. Currently, there is no steady use of tungsten pre-space outside of one time cost infrastructure needs. When playing SE, module production should never stop. This would make core mining actually usable without resorting to voiding resources.

3: Change the recipe of Blank Data Cards- Reduce the required 6 copper plate to 2, and then add 2 titanium plate and 2 aluminum plate to that recipe. This addresses both the copper issue and the titanium under use issues.

4: Reduce the core mining output of titanium from 3 to 2. It just isn't used that much.

5: Increase the amount of flake graphite from core mining from 2 to 3. Graphite is used extensively in circuits and refractory recipes.

(Source: fishy (and others))