brewpi-remix / brewpi-tools-rmx

START HERE: BrewPi Remix Tools
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Completion Display IP Confusion #58

Closed lbussy closed 3 years ago

lbussy commented 3 years ago

When the installer finishes, there are two IP addresses shown which may confuse the uninitiated:

       |_ _|_ _  __| |_ __ _| | |  / __|___ _ __  _ __| |___| |_ ___
        | || ' \(_-<  _/ _` | | | | (__/ _ \ '  \| '_ \ / -_)  _/ -_)
       |___|_|\_/__/\__\__,_|_|_|  \___\___/_|_|_| .__/_\___|\__\___|
BrewPi scripts will start shortly, usually within 30 secs.

 - BrewPi frontend URL :
                  -or- : http://mule.local/
 - Installation path   : /home/brewpi
 - Release version     : 0.7.5 (master)
 - Commit version      : 59a8ab2 Devel (#57)
 - Install tools path  : /home/pi/brewpi-tools-rmx

Happy Brewing!

Need to look back at the logic to see how I fixed a similar issue there.