brezerk / q4wine

Q4Wine is a Qt GUI for W.I.N.E. It will help you manage wine prefixes and installed applications.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Q4Wine Launch Error #105

Closed PadreAdamo closed 7 years ago

PadreAdamo commented 7 years ago

I just installed and reinstalled Q4Wine multiple times to try and fix the error I'm receiving. Launching Q4wine for an escalated terminal works fine. However, launching Q4wine via shortcut or vanilla terminal, I get the following error:

"Cannot find or execute the 'fusermount' binary. Make sure that this binary is available by search PATH variable and see also INSTALL file for application depends."

Distro: OpenSUSE Tumbleweed

whereis fusermount /usr/bin

tehnick commented 7 years ago

I just installed and reinstalled Q4Wine multiple times

These actions are meaningless.

Cannot find or execture the 'fusermount' binary.

Your problem is in program settings which you may fix in settings dialog or in text file ~/.config/q4wine/default.conf. Or you may delete this file at all and setup all settings from scratch after restarting of application.

brezerk commented 7 years ago

Hi @PadreAdamo yes, as @tehnick mentioned, it seems like you have an old (probably wrong) path configured in the ~/.config/q4wine/default.conf settings file. You may wish to change it via q4wine's setting dialog File -> Settings or Ctrl + W.

But probably, the error message should be much more clear and user friendly :)

PadreAdamo commented 7 years ago

Thank you @brezerk and @tehnick for the prompt replies!

I don't have a default.conf inside of that directory (~/.config/q4wine). This is a fresh nuke/pave of OpenSUSE. I installed Wine first, as I usually do.

What settings do I change inside of File settings? There are quite a bit of paths there inside (SU, sudo, etc.). It's very strange. Q4wine does not launch without using elevated permissions--KDESU or su

brezerk commented 7 years ago

Hi @PadreAdamo

Um... Wait...

Q4wine does not launch without using elevated permissions--KDESU or su

q4wine does not need root privileges to operate (except some exceptions like mounting iso or running nice command).

I assume you have ~/.config/q4wine directory owned by the root user? Can you show output for the following commands please?

# id
# ls -al ~/.config/q4wine
PadreAdamo commented 7 years ago

@brezerk padreadamo@new-host-4:~> id uid=1000(padreadamo) gid=100(users) groups=100(users),472(wheel)

padreadamo@new-host-4:~> ls -al ~/.config/q4wine total 4 drwxr-xr-x 1 padreadamo users 80 Apr 18 19:17 . drwx------ 1 padreadamo users 1516 Apr 19 19:25 .. drwxr-xr-x 1 padreadamo users 22 Apr 17 16:57 db -rw------- 1 padreadamo users 49 Apr 18 19:17 .directory drwxr-xr-x 1 padreadamo users 0 Apr 17 16:56 icons drwxr-xr-x 1 padreadamo users 0 Apr 17 16:56 prefixes drwxr-xr-x 1 padreadamo users 0 Apr 17 16:56 scripts drwxr-xr-x 1 padreadamo users 0 Apr 17 16:56 theme drwxr-xr-x 1 padreadamo users 10 Apr 17 16:56 tmp

brezerk commented 7 years ago

interesting... ok. and can you show output for this command as well please?

ls -al ~/.config/q4wine/db
PadreAdamo commented 7 years ago

padreadamo@new-host-4:~> ls -al ~/.config/q4wine/db total 40 drwxr-xr-x 1 padreadamo users 22 Apr 17 16:57 . drwxr-xr-x 1 padreadamo users 80 Apr 18 19:17 .. -rw-r--r-- 1 padreadamo users 40960 Apr 17 16:57 generic.dat


brezerk commented 7 years ago

um.... from the permissions perspective everything looks pretty good (except the fact, you have no default.conf file for some reasons) so I see no particular reason, why q4wine won't be able to run as a regular user...

ok. so, what error are you getting when executing q4wine as a regular user (padreadamo) ?

PadreAdamo commented 7 years ago

It's the same fusermount binary error when running as a regular user.

"Cannot find or execute the 'fusermount' binary. Make sure that this binary is available by search PATH variable and see also INSTALL file for application depends."

brezerk commented 7 years ago

ah... ic.

can you show output for this command (as a regular user please):

# which fusermount
PadreAdamo commented 7 years ago

padreadamo@new-host-4:~> which fusermount which: no fusermount in (/home/padreadamo/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin)

brezerk commented 7 years ago

hm.. it seems like you have no fusermount binary installed on your system. do you have fuse-utils package installed?

brezerk commented 7 years ago

(or probably PATH it missing sbin directories). Are you able to get the fusermount path via which using sudo\su?

PadreAdamo commented 7 years ago

I don't see fuse-utils installed. I have: fuse, fuseiso, gvfs-fuse, libfuse2, libfuse2-32bit,libulockmgr1

I can reach the fusermount directory from root terminal.

new-host-4:/home/padreadamo # which fusermount /usr/bin/fusermount

brezerk commented 7 years ago

I can reach the fusermount directory from root terminal.

which one path it is installed in?

PadreAdamo commented 7 years ago

It shows it installed in: /usr/bin/fusermount

brezerk commented 7 years ago

um :) ok... can you show please?

# id
# ls -al /usr/bin/fusermount
PadreAdamo commented 7 years ago

new-host-4:/home/padreadamo # ls -al /usr/bin/fusermount -rwsr-x--- 1 root root 31552 Oct 16 2016 /usr/bin/fusermount

brezerk commented 7 years ago

oh. funny. for some reasons only root user is allowed to run fusermount binary. not sure if it is really specific to SUSE.

[ himera ] brezerk@pts/0:4  ~ $
> 04/21/17 15:05:49 EEST > ls -al /usr/bin/fusermount
-rws--x--x 1 root root 31168 Dec 21 00:00 /usr/bin/fusermount

you may wish to adjust the permissions

PadreAdamo commented 7 years ago

Fixed! I changed the permissions on that file and all is well. Thank you very much for your help. Do you folks have a patreon or donation page? I use Q4wine on a number of my machines including on machines i built for my friends.

brezerk commented 7 years ago

you are welcome. glad you find q4wine useful.

as for donation: at this moment paypal does not accept incoming transactions for Ukraine yet and the other donations options are not really works for most of the people.

so currently the only way to help q4wine project:

PadreAdamo commented 7 years ago

Okay! Thank you. I will do what I can for the project. Thank you!