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Implement task #168 - Start new web application project #169

Open brian-ai-assistant[bot] opened 10 months ago

brian-ai-assistant[bot] commented 10 months ago

Web Application Architecture

For the web application project, I have chosen to use the following technologies:

Based on these technologies, here is the proposed architecture for the secure web app:

  1. Frontend: The frontend will be built using Nuxt.js. It will provide an interface for users to interact with the application, handle user authentication using Firebase Auth, and make API requests to the backend.

  2. Backend: The backend will be implemented using Firebase Functions. It will handle API requests from the frontend, validate user authentication and authorization, and interact with the Firebase database to perform CRUD operations on data.

  3. Firebase Auth: Firebase Auth will be used to handle user authentication and authorization. It will provide login methods such as email/password, Google, and Facebook. User authentication will be required for accessing sensitive data and performing actions that require authorization.

  4. Data Storage: Firebase provides a NoSQL database called Firestore. We will use Firestore to store and retrieve data for our application. Firestore provides powerful querying capabilities and automatic scaling, making it suitable for building secure and scalable web apps.

  5. Testing: Jest will be used as the testing framework to write and run unit tests for the application. We will write tests to cover the backend API endpoints, authentication and authorization logic, and any other critical parts of the application. This will help ensure the application functions correctly and securely.

This architecture follows best practices for building secure web applications, such as implementing proper user authentication and authorization, securing API endpoints, and using a secure database for data storage. By using Nuxt.js, Firebase Functions, Firebase Auth, Typescript, and tests, we can build a robust and secure web app.