brian-frederick / HPNC-Umbraco-Site

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Reconfiguration of home page look #10

Open brian-frederick opened 6 years ago

brian-frederick commented 6 years ago

Six slightly smaller photo circles as opposed to four For now the categories should be: Early Childhood, Elementary, Mentoring, Athletics, Community, Program Partners We would like to be able to change out the photos, the titles of each circle, and the pages that they link to depending on our needs. Is this possible?

brian-frederick commented 6 years ago

The images are linked and dynamic already. The rest of the changes would definitely be a redesign. How is this not redundant with the program landing page. design: 6 development: 6

vemigh commented 6 years ago

We definitely want the home page to look like this. If we're worried about redundancy we would want to change the design of the program landing page instead.

brian-frederick commented 6 years ago

@vemigh think this over and let's resume conversations.

brian-frederick commented 6 years ago

@vemigh will discuss new categories for homepage and work with designer to configure options and align with program landing page. Ultimately Early Childhood, Elementary, Athletics, Mentoring category photo/circles on homepage should link to their corresponding areas in the program landing page.

vemigh commented 6 years ago

Final six categories for six circles are: Early Childhood, Elementary, Teens, Athletics, Community, and Program Partners.

For EC, Elementary, Teens, and Program Partners see Dropbox for photos. For Community use current Pancake Breakfast photo and for Athletics use current Basketball photo.

brian-frederick commented 6 years ago

hey @vemigh and @NickGardner can you provide the dropbox link to a design for this? Thanks!

brian-frederick commented 6 years ago

Designs here

brian-frederick commented 6 years ago

@vemigh originally we had talked about the linked text on the homepage going to different areas of the page on the program page but I believe we've since changed what the program page is. Can you tell me where the each homepage title links to?

vemigh commented 6 years ago

@NickGardner is working on the design for the program page but it will now just have four categories: Early Childhood, Elementary, Teens, and Athletics with the individual programs listed under each. (I believe I listed those in task for that page but please let me know if not). The hope is that when you click on one of those four categories on the home page would land you on that section on the program page.

Community and Program Partners are two separate new pages that the home page circle would link directly too. Community should have the design feel of a program page (or the volunteer page) with the three circles on top and Program Partners should resemble staff & board.

brian-frederick commented 6 years ago

NEW TASK: links of text need to be able to go to specific sections of other pages so simply linking dynamically to other pages will not work.

brian-frederick commented 6 years ago

@NickGardner this is ready for review. mind taking a look?

vemigh commented 6 years ago

@brian-frederick "Mentoring" should be "Teens". But I peeked at Umbraco and it seems like something that I can easily change, okay if I go ahead and do that?