brian-j-smith / Mamba.jl

Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) for Bayesian analysis in julia
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Gaussian Process Positive Definite Exception #126

Open gcgibson opened 7 years ago

gcgibson commented 7 years ago

I have written the following code for fitting a simple GP

using Mamba
## Model Specification
function kernel_with_noise(x,y,s2)
  dist = exp((-(x-y)^2))
  if x != y
    1 + s2

function kernel(x,y)
  dist = exp((-(x-y)^2))

line = Dict{Symbol, Any}(
  :x =>[1,2],
  :y => [1,2],
  :xtest => [1,2]
line[:xmat] = line[:x]
size_ = length(line[:x])

function posterior(xmat,xtest,y,s2)
  K = ones(length(xmat),length(xmat))
  K_ss = ones(length(xtest),length(xtest))
  K_s = ones(length(xtest),length(xmat))
  for i in 1:size(K)[1]
    for j in 1:size(K)[2]
      K[i,j] = kernel_with_noise(xmat[i],xmat[j],s2)
  for i in 1:size(K_ss)[1]
    for j in 1:size(K_ss)[2]
      K_ss[i,j] = kernel(xtest[i],xtest[j])
  for i in 1:size(K_s)[1]
    for j in 1:size(K_s)[2]
      K_s[i,j] = kernel(xtest[i],xmat[j])
  mu_star = K_s*inv(K)*y
  sigma_star = K_ss-transpose(K_s)*inv(K)*K_s

model = Model(

  y = Stochastic(1,
    (cov) ->  MvNormal(zeros(size_), cov),
  ytilde = Logical(1,
    (s2,xtest,xmat) ->
      mu_star,sigma_star = posterior(xmat,xtest,line[:y],s2)
      d = MvNormal(mu_star,sigma_star)
  cov = Logical(2,
    (xmat,s2) ->
      x = eye(size_)
      for i in 1:size_
        for j in 1:size_
          tmp = kernel_with_noise(xmat[i],xmat[j],s2)
          x[i,j] = tmp
  s2 = Stochastic(
    () -> InverseGamma(.1, .1)

scheme = [Slice([:s2],1.0)]

## Initial Values
inits = [
  Dict{Symbol, Any}(
    :y => line[:y],
    :s2 => rand(Gamma(.1, .1))
for i in 1:1
setsamplers!(model, scheme)
sim1 = mcmc(model, line, inits, 10000, burnin=250, thin=2, chains=1)

which throws a


while exploring the posterior for certain samples. Is there anyway to reject a sample based on this exception and keep going? I am not sure that is the correct way of handling bad s^2 values so if anyone has other suggestions for what to do please let me know!

bdeonovic commented 7 years ago

It may be easier to just write your own sampler rather than putting a lot of sampler logic in the Stochastic/Logical node definitions.

bdeonovic commented 7 years ago

For example see ## User-Defined Samplers in or the example samplers in

gcgibson commented 7 years ago

@bdeonovic That makes sense, but the custom samplers still require some return

Gibbs_sigma2 = Sampler([:sigma2],
  (mu, sigma2, y) ->
      a = length(y) / 2.0 + shape(sigma2.distr)
      b = sumabs2(y - mu) / 2.0 + scale(sigma2.distr)
      rand(InverseGamma(a, b))

In this case a random draw from InvGamma. In the case of a non positive definite sample I would like to simple reject it from the chain, can I hack my sampler to do that?

EDIT: To clarify, if I wanted to put an if statement like so

Gibbs_sigma2 = Sampler([:sigma2],
  (mu, sigma2, y) ->
      a = length(y) / 2.0 + shape(sigma2.distr)
      b = sumabs2(y - mu) / 2.0 + scale(sigma2.distr)
      if matrix formed from some combination of a and b is positive semi definite:
           rand(InverseGamma(a, b))
           not sure what to put here
bdeonovic commented 7 years ago

You might want to check why non-positive definite matrices are being formed. Sometimes a matrix is not positive definite in julia due to round off errors. In those cases you can explicitly specify to julia that the matrix is Positive definite.

Otherwise, you can always return the current iterate if the proposed matrix is not positive definite.

gcgibson commented 7 years ago

How do you get access to the underlying chain to return the last accepted step, I guess you don't need it you can just return the input to your sampler?

bdeonovic commented 7 years ago

in the example you have

Gibbs_sigma2 = Sampler([:sigma2],
  (mu, sigma2, y) ->
      ##sigma2.value is the current value of sigma2 which you are trying to sample a new value for
      a = length(y) / 2.0 + shape(sigma2.distr)
      b = sumabs2(y - mu) / 2.0 + scale(sigma2.distr)
      if matrix formed from some combination of a and b is positive semi definite:
           rand(InverseGamma(a, b))
           not sure what to put here
gcgibson commented 7 years ago

Awesome! Thanks for your help! The matrices are PSD until s^2 gets sufficiently small

gcgibson commented 7 years ago

Unfortunately, I can't use Gibbs sampling because the conditional density is not available (unlike Bayesian linear regression , gaussian processes don't have an analytical distribution for s2 that I know of ). Is there anyway to get a code snippet like that into MH or NUTS?

bdeonovic commented 7 years ago

Your custom sampler doesn't have to be a Gibbs sampler. It can be whatever you want. For MH you would just need to calculate the the acceptance probability for example.

gcgibson commented 7 years ago

But then I would need a proposal dist etc right? I would basically have to re-implement MH in that code block? Gibbs seemed nice because it was just actually sampling from known dists, but I would prefer to pass a flag to the MH sampler saying treat this exception as probability 0, if possible.