brian-j-smith / Mamba.jl

Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) for Bayesian analysis in julia
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Graph Issue #173

Open sallyc1997 opened 1 year ago

sallyc1997 commented 1 year ago

Hi! I was following the tutorial and was trying to graph the model, but got the following error even though I had using GraphViz and using LightGraphs

julia> display(Graph(graph2dot(model))) ERROR: MethodError: no method matching SimpleGraph(::String) Closest candidates are: SimpleGraph(::Any, ::Array{Vector{T}, 1}) where T at ~/.julia/packages/LightGraphs/IgJif/src/SimpleGraphs/simplegraph.jl:18 SimpleGraph() at ~/.julia/packages/LightGraphs/IgJif/src/SimpleGraphs/simplegraph.jl:50 SimpleGraph(::SimpleDiGraph) at ~/.julia/packages/LightGraphs/IgJif/src/SimpleGraphs/simplegraph.jl:140 ... Stacktrace: [1] top-level scope @ REPL[17]:1 Does anybody know what's wrong?