brian7704 / OpenTAK_ICU

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ATAK: Invalid video information, cannot display #4

Open sgofferj opened 1 month ago

sgofferj commented 1 month ago

So far the app seems to work. I can view streams in a browser and via VLC. It also shows up as a camera icon with the angle and everything correctly displayed in ATAK-CIV However, when I tap the camera icon on the map and then choose play I get a toast saying "Invalid video information, cannot display". I tried various codec combinations without success. My server is mediamtx.

brian7704 commented 1 month ago

Are you using OpenTAKServer or just MediaMTX?

sgofferj commented 1 month ago

I'm using the TAK server 4.10 from

sgofferj commented 1 month ago

I'm using the official TAK server 4.10. If you wanna test with a live TAK server email me your email. I'll send you a certificate.

brian7704 commented 1 month ago

I sent you an email

brian7704 commented 1 month ago

What streaming protocol are you using? I checked out your server but I didn't see any open ports for any of the streaming protocols.

sgofferj commented 1 month ago

Ah, my mediamtx runs on a different domain. From outside, only rtps goes through but I tried also rtp from inside with the same result.

brian7704 commented 1 month ago

I think I found the issue. For reasons I've forgotten, when the stream starts, OpenTAK ICU makes an HTTP POST with the video info to the TAK server on port 8080. It is hard coded to use HTTP and port 8080. This should be changed to correctly use HTTP/8080 or HTTPS/8443 based on the server settings.

Until I have time to fix it the best thing to do is to manually add the feed in ATAK or WinTAK and upload it to the server.

sgofferj commented 1 month ago

I see. Thanks for checking. If the TAK server access is useful for you, I'll keep your cert active. Otherwise, I delete it.

brian7704 commented 1 month ago

Thanks, I can troubleshoot using my TAK server so you can delete the certificate.