brian91292 / EnhancedStreamChat

A rich text chat integration mod with full unicode, emote, and emoji support!
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
27 stars 24 forks source link

Heavy performance issues #10

Closed Corben78 closed 5 years ago

Corben78 commented 5 years ago

When starting today Beat Saber 0.12.2 I realized a heavy frame drop, from formerly ~90 fps down to below 20 fps or lower then playing a level. When starting the game, I can see the fps dropping to 45 already before leaving the intro screen. When clicking continue and the menu shows up, I have already heavy stuttering.

It seems related to the EnhancedTwitchChat plugin, as when I disabled it, the fps are back to normal.

I installed this mod freshly today with the BeatSaberMod installer, so it's including the AsyncTwitchChat and CustomUI mods too.

Any idea, what this could be?

brian91292 commented 5 years ago

I'm aware of some performance issues in the current version of the mod, and have been working on resolving them. It's been mainly related to animated emotes, though, so not sure if this applies to your problem.

If you could provide some more information about what's going on in chat when it happens, that would be great.

Edit: Also, give this version of the mod a try and let me know if you still have the same problem. This is the latest development build, and it may solve your issue:

Corben78 commented 5 years ago

Sorry for replying just now, couldn't test around due to being sick the last 7 days.

I've tested around with different settings, drivers, Steam VR beta, your latest dev build, but nothing helped.

I'm not sure if it's related to EnhancedTwitchChat or maybe even to the new dependency BeatSaberCustomUI.dll, but as soon as I disable either BeatSaberCustomUI.dll (which includes that EnhancedTwitchChat doesn't start) or EnhancedTwitchChat.dll the game runs smooth at 90 fps for me.

I'm not even streaming yet, just logged into the chat. No one wrote something so far. I can see as soon as I start the game, that the fps drops from 90 to 45. When I click continue to get past the warning screen, it's dropping more down to below 20 which makes the game unplayable.

Without EnhancedTwitchChat everything runs smooth. I have several other mods installed, they don't affect the fps so far. But I also tried just using EnhancedTwitchChat without any other mod, here the fps are affected.

I couldn't find any log files, how could I provide you with more helpful information?

Corben78 commented 5 years ago

Okay, I'm sorry again. Looks like it was an issue on my end. I completely delete my Beat Saber installation, and installed everything from scratch. Now the issue is gone. Looks like an old config from somewhere was interfering? Can't tell anymore, as when Steam uninstalls the game, it completely deletes all files. I lost my perfect config of the 3rd camera view this way :)

Nevertheless, it seems there was "just" a strange side effect causing this.

brian91292 commented 5 years ago

Glad you got it resolved.