brianAbell / Visual-Impairment-Web-Assistant

In-Progress: WebSummarizer is a digital accessibility tool designed for individuals with visual impairments. It fetches and summarizes web content, providing concise overviews in both text and audio formats, facilitating easier web navigation and understanding.
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Issue with OpenAI GPT-3.5-turbo Model API Endpoint #1

Closed brianAbell closed 8 months ago

brianAbell commented 8 months ago

The current implementation uses the v1/completions endpoint for the GPT-3.5-turbo chat model, which results in an error. The error message returned by OpenAI suggests using the v1/chat/completions endpoint. This issue affects the functionality of our webpage summarizer feature, preventing it from returning a summarized content to the users.

brianAbell commented 8 months ago

Revised the code to interact with the GPT-3.5-turbo chat model using the v1/chat/completions endpoint. Adjusted the request format to frame the interaction as a conversation with the model, as suggested by OpenAI's documentation for chat models.

The webpage summarizer feature should now work as expected and provide users with a summarized content of their provided URLs.


  1. Read front & backend terminal errors/logs
  2. Used prints to see if URL was being handled and passed correctly
  3. API returned descriptive summary of issue