brianc / node-pg-pool

A connection pool for node-postgres
MIT License
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Question about transaction and client.release(err) #52

Closed 3n-mb closed 7 years ago

3n-mb commented 7 years ago


To work with a transaction, we get client

let client = await pool.connect();

After we done, client.release() should be called. If we call client.release(err), client will be destroyed (or so it seems). Usual (non prepare-d) transaction is alive as long as postgres' session is alive. Session is associated with client connection.


Can client.release(err) be used as a sure way to rollback? If so, it allows for simple pattern, without ever writing explicit rollback:

try {
   // throw if conditions are not met
} catch (err) {
   client.release(err);  // kills transaction with client's connection
   throw err;  // for dealing elsewhere

Of cause, this isn't for places were rollback conditions are common. 1) Can this be done? 2) Or, is it too heavy on resources even for infrequent rollbacks?

brianc commented 7 years ago

Yeah, you can definitely do rollbacks that way. The connection overhead is non-trivial so if you expect the transaction to need to be rolled back the majority of the time I'd use a ROLLBACK statement, but if it's infrequent or only unknown error conditions which might cause a query within the transaction to fail then calling client.release(err) is a good way to go.