briancheagney / HPU3D

COM 1050 Project
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Pop-Up Ideas - Anna #35

Open MattRey30 opened 3 years ago

MattRey30 commented 3 years ago

As a narrative designer, I want to develop six potential story ideas for pop-ups represented by 3D object in the scene.

Conditions of satisfaction: Morning: 2 ideas Noon: 2 ideas Evening: 2 Ideas

Ex: Pop-up for Drone - Professor Mims asked you to help set up the Drone obstacle course out on Roberts Lawn

annajamesharris commented 3 years ago


  1. Phone pop-up - Your breakfast order at the Bakery is ready
  2. Alarm pop-up - Your alarm for your 7:50 just went off and you don't want to be late for class


  1. Flyer slid under the door pop-up - It's Taco Tuesday at Farmer's
  2. Calendar on the wall pop-up - Don't forget you have a meeting with your Student Success coach this afternoon


  1. Closet door pop-up - Your friend invited you to hang out at their dorm with their friends and you need something to wear
  2. Paper pop-up - You have a paper for your religion class due tomorrow