briancheagney / HPU3D

COM 1050 Project
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Pop-Up Ideas - Hannah #37

Open MattRey30 opened 3 years ago

MattRey30 commented 3 years ago

As a narrative designer, I want to develop six potential story ideas for pop-ups represented by 3D object in the scene.

Conditions of satisfaction: Morning: 2 ideas Noon: 2 ideas Evening: 2 Ideas

Ex: Pop-up for Drone - Professor Mims asked you to help set up the Drone obstacle course out on Roberts Lawn

hbrubake commented 3 years ago

Morning: (1) pop-up for Starbucks - your mobile order at Starbucks is ready (2) pop-up for class - Dr. Bell emailed you to remind you to bring your project to class today

Noon: (1) Pop-up for office hours - your professor asked you to come to his/her office hours (2) pop-up for lunch - a group of friends want you to come to lunch at the Cafe

Evening: (1) pop-up for prime reservation - A friend asked you to come to prime at 6 pm, don't be late! (2) pop-up for cinema - the extraordinary cinema is showing a movie tonight

all of these are interchangeable/up for debate, we can find tune professor names or add in friends name later if we wish