briancmpbll / home_assistant_custom_envoy

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Current Production faulty #172

Open Volarn opened 7 months ago

Volarn commented 7 months ago


the current power production sensors show 1-3w production when no power is generated. The Firmware is D7.0.88


This is a screenshot at 6PM, ist complete dark outside. ;)

catsmanac commented 7 months ago

I assume you are running 0.0.19? In the diagnostic report (On envoy device page in settings, devices... use Download diagnostics) you can find what data was received from the Envoy.

Look for "envoy_info" and below it Endpoint-....... There you find the raw data that came in in the last collection. So you'll have to do this when it's dark.

As the integration is not making any calculations, I'd expect you find these numbers in the raw data.

Hoffmann77 commented 7 months ago

The inverters consume a little bit of energy even at night. So the 3 watts should be a negative value.