briancmpbll / home_assistant_custom_envoy

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Probleme intégration des valeurs dans Energy #177

Closed remisco closed 5 months ago

remisco commented 5 months ago

bonjour j'ai une fois par semaine environ des pics de conso et de production délirants de mon compteur energy alors qu'il n'y a pas d'erreur sous enphase Capture d’écran 2024-01-30 105105

catsmanac commented 5 months ago

How is your energy dashboard setup? Are you using the Lifetime production Entity?


remisco commented 5 months ago

Le sensor today


catsmanac commented 5 months ago

Can you inspect data of Envoy <serial> Lifetime Energy Production to see if these bumps show there too? Can you download Diagnostics afbeelding in HA Device page for the Envoy so the report downloads to your computer. Then rename it to a .txt file and use afbeelding to share the file here?

remisco commented 5 months ago

pas de pics avec le sensor lifetime


catsmanac commented 5 months ago

Yes, lifetime value is the better one to use. As for the peaks in the daily values, there could be multiple causes including outages, firmware version issues.

remisco commented 5 months ago

merci probleme resolu

remisco commented 5 months ago
