I apologize for my English
module package Net::SSH::Perl v1.34 does not support single-channel
to eliminate the need to replace it:
package Net::SSH::Perl::ChannelMgr;
sub input_open_failure {
my $cmgr = shift;
my($packet) = @_;
my $id = $packet->get_int32;
my $c = $cmgr->{channels}->[$id];
croak "Received open failure for non-opening channel $id"
unless $c && $c->{type} == SSH_CHANNEL_OPENING;
my $reason = $packet->get_int32;
my $msg = $packet->get_str;
my $lang = $packet->get_str;
$cmgr->{ssh}->debug("Channel open failure: $id: reason $reason:
# Single Chennel - not multi chennel
my $c0;
my $type_run;
if($id == 1 && $cmgr->{channels}->[$id-1]->{type} ==
$c0 = $cmgr->{channels}->[$id-1];
my $id0=$c0->{id};
my $ssh = $cmgr->{ssh};
$c0->{rfd}=$ssh->_dup2('STDIN', '<');
$c0->{wfd}=$ssh->_dup2('STDOUT', '>');
$c0->{efd}=$ssh->_dup2('STDERR', '>');
foreach my $type (keys %{$c->{handlers}}) {
$c0->{handlers}{$type} = { code => $c->{handlers}->{$type}-
>{code}, extra => $c->{handlers}->{$type}->{extra} };
if($type =~ /^\d+/ && $type ==
$type_run= $type;
if($c0->{type} == SSH_CHANNEL_OPEN ) {
$cmgr->{ssh}->debug("Return to channel: $id0");
if($c0 && $type_run) {
if (my $sub = $c0->{handlers}->{$type_run}->{code}) {
$sub->($c0, $packet);
package Net::SSH::Perl::SSH2;
sub client_loop {
my $ssh = shift;
my $cmgr = $ssh->channel_mgr;
my $h = $cmgr->handlers;
my $select_class = $ssh->select_class;
$ssh->{_cl_quit_pending} = 0;
while (!$ssh->_quit_pending) {
while (my $packet = Net::SSH::Perl::Packet->read_poll($ssh)) {
if (my $code = $h->{ $packet->type }) {
$code->($cmgr, $packet);
else {
$ssh->debug("Warning: ignore packet type " . $packet-
last if $ssh->_quit_pending;
my $rb = $select_class->new;
my $wb = $select_class->new;
$cmgr->prepare_channels($rb, $wb);
#last unless $cmgr->any_open_channels;
#my $oc = grep { defined } @{ $cmgr->{channels} };
#last unless $oc > 1;
my $next_loop;
$next_loop= $cmgr->any_open_channels;
else {
my $oc = grep { defined } @{ $cmgr->{channels} };
$next_loop = $oc > 1 ? 1 : 0 ;
last unless ($next_loop);
my($rready, $wready) = $select_class->select($rb, $wb);
$cmgr->process_input_packets($rready, $wready);
for my $ab (@$rready) {
if ($ab == $ssh->{session}{sock}) {
my $buf;
my $len = sysread $ab, $buf, 8192;
if (! defined $len) {
croak "Connection failed: $!\n";
$ssh->break_client_loop if $len == 0;
($buf) = $buf =~ /(.*)/s; ## Untaint data. Anything
and add:
package Net::SSH::Perl::SSH2;
sub _dup2 {
my $ssh = shift;
my($fh, $mode) = @_;
my $dup = Symbol::gensym;
my $str = "${mode}&$fh";
open ($dup, $str) or die "Could not dupe: $!\n"; ## no critic
if the creation of the 2nd channel(id=0) error then is a return run to
the 1nd сhannel(id=0)
Thank you for your attention
This ticket was imported from rt.cpan.org 79378
I apologize for my English module package Net::SSH::Perl v1.34 does not support single-channel
to eliminate the need to replace it:
and add: 3)----------------------------
if the creation of the 2nd channel(id=0) error then is a return run to the 1nd сhannel(id=0) Thank you for your attention