briandk / gitvisualizations

A suite of visualization tools for analyzing files in git
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Use PEP 8 style guidelines #41

Open briandk opened 11 years ago

briandk commented 11 years ago

Including underscores for method names

briandk commented 11 years ago

Consider looking at PythonTidy:

briandk commented 11 years ago

Also, sublime linter, which might be more sensible since it highlights errors without correcting them:

briandk commented 11 years ago

Also this:

briandk commented 11 years ago

This is just generally useful:

briandk commented 11 years ago

"RT @antdanilchenko #SublimeText plugin AutoPEP8. Select code and press Ctrl+8 to see what will change in diff. Then Ctrl+Shift+8 to apply"