briandunn / flatware

A parallel test runner for RSpec and Cucumber with pretty output
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Fix DRbUnknown error with unserializable Exception causes #79

Closed jdelStrother closed 4 months ago

jdelStrother commented 4 months ago

I ran into this when an error was raised in a view template, so got wrapped in ActionView::TemplateError. ActionView::TemplateError was correctly serialised, but its cause still referenced classes that don't exist in the sink, resulting in errors like this:

flatware-rspec-2.2.0/lib/flatware/rspec/formatters/console.rb:29:in `summarize': undefined method `pending_examples' for
#<DRb::DRbUnknown:0x0000000105f7c6b8 @name="User", @buf="\x04\bo: 

Maybe something like this to fix it?