brianegan / flutter_redux

A library that connects Widgets to a Redux Store
MIT License
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Use redux with GetX #215

Closed khaitran1234 closed 3 years ago

khaitran1234 commented 3 years ago

Dear all, I saw the problem when use redux with getx .

======== Exception caught by widgets library =======================================================
The following StoreProviderError<StoreProvider<AppState>> was thrown building StoreConnector<AppState, AuthenViewModel>(dirty):
Error: No StoreProvider<AppState> found. To fix, please try:

  * Wrapping your MaterialApp with the StoreProvider<State>, 
  rather than an individual Route
  * Providing full type information to your Store<State>, 
  StoreProvider<State> and StoreConnector<State, ViewModel>
  * Ensure you are using consistent and complete imports. 
  E.g. always use `import 'package:my_app/app_state.dart';

If none of these solutions work, please file a bug at:

============================================ My source code

void main() async {
  //TODO create store
  var store = await createStore();
  await Hive.initFlutter();
  await Hive.openBox(nameDatabase);
  await Firebase.initializeApp();
  // SystemChrome.setSystemUIOverlayStyle(SystemUiOverlayStyle(
  //   // statusBarColor: Colors.transparent, // transparent status bar
  //   statusBarIconBrightness: Brightness.light,
  //   statusBarBrightness: Brightness.light,
  // ));
  return runApp(GetMaterialApp(home: MyApp(store: store,),));

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget{
  // This widget is the root of your application.
  final Store<AppState> store;

  const MyApp({Key key,}) : super(key: key);

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return ScreenUtilInit(
        designSize: Size(360, 690),
        builder: () => StoreProvider<AppState>(
        store: store,
        child: MaterialApp(
          title: 'Playfun',
          navigatorKey: GlobalVariable.navState,
          theme: ThemeData(
            // brightness: Brightness.light
          initialRoute: '/',
          navigatorObservers: [locator<TrackingService>().getAnalyticsObserver()],
          routes: {
            '/': (context) => SplashScreen(),
  //        home: MainScreen(),

} }