brianegan / new_flutter_template

Test ideas for a new flutter template
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What libraries or packages should be used? #7

Open brianegan opened 3 years ago

brianegan commented 3 years ago

If we need to include external libraries in the template, what kind of libraries should be considered? Should the template try to stick to only what the Flutter and Dart provide, with extension points to community packages? Should the template make use of community packages to demonstrate best practices?

PiotrWpl commented 3 years ago

In my opinion, it would be easier to maintain the template if it will use only Flutter/Dart team libraries. Otherwise, it may be quickly outdated due if used community package will change the API and docs. For example, using a battery package as a sample in creating a new plugin documentation is a really good example. It was simple enough to understand the overall concept and it does not require extra effort to keep the doc up-to-date.

MahmoudAshours commented 3 years ago

I think, Using Flutter favorites packages is something that would help the developers more , writing it with the best practices way For example, using Provider package in a simple TODO app as a template to demonstrate a way of state management would be really useful especially it is high demanded between new Flutter developers.

chimon2000 commented 3 years ago

I think outside of packages chosen to handle other concerns (logging, state management, routing, etc.) this should fall on the developer.

Arkangel12 commented 3 years ago

I will only like to see a basic plugin that is almost always used and others that are not used but they should be used like pedantic for static analysis and HTTP with a basic implementation with futures, maybe using only with a FutureBuilder but this is a way newcomers can look how to do a basic API call.

sbis04 commented 3 years ago

As per me, it would be great to start with the packages coming directly from Flutter and Dart team. But, later it can be expanded with some community-contributed packages that are highly used by Flutter developers (Flutter Favorite packages are the best place to start with I guess because they got that title for the very same reason).

asidt commented 3 years ago

As less dependencies as you can. At the end of the day, only Provider is the non Flutter one really needed

alestiago commented 3 years ago

I will only like to see a basic plugin that is almost always used and others that are not used but they should be used like pedantic for static analysis and HTTP with a basic implementation with futures, maybe using only with a FutureBuilder but this is a way newcomers can look how to do a basic API call.

Pedantic is a great choice. I agree that it should be used by Flutter developers.

letsar commented 3 years ago

In my opinion, this template should have as less as dependencies as possible in order simplify the maintenance. If we think that a package could be a good fit for a part of the template, we can mention it in a comment, so that the developer will know how to do it with vanilla Flutter + they will learn about alternatives.

quetool commented 3 years ago

Only Flutter/Dart team libraries please If you want people to introduce them self in a healthy "ecosystem" include just the necessary and let them find any other solution from the community.

Or maybe during the installation of the template you could prompt the users if they want community packages or official ones...

neiljaywarner commented 3 years ago

riverpod and freezd - particularly as it relates to sealed classes, the equivalent of kotlin data classes and json serialization.

if there could be a template this sprummer that was like file-new project networked-project with test that uses that would be so awesome - the real stuff people need to get up and running over and over again, and if they modify they modify, helpful for newbies and helpful for intemediate/advanced.

Whether you are new or job searching or intemediate, when youv'e gotten data from the internet and put it in a list is when you start to feel like you've gotten somewhere.

Fortunately the receipes gets you there in two steps or so, but not best practice of course and not template autogen.

Arkangel12 commented 3 years ago

I don't think it's a good idea to mix this, remember it a template and they maybe are not from the mobile background it can be confused to have this on its first template.

maybe if it will be like an advanced template we could talk about adding this may also add data classes and not android specific more like a good practice.

riverpod and freezd - particularly as it relates to sealed classes, the equivalent of kotlin data classes and json serialization.