briangriffey / book-animation

Apache License 2.0
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Draft: PageTurnLayout becomes ViewPager with draw #7

Closed cesine closed 10 years ago

cesine commented 10 years ago

This branch keeps the draw function in the ViewPager (former PageTurnLayout) which means it might be more successful than #6 in getting the curl animation to become visible. On the other hand, it has to use it's own page turn detection logic (maybe built on the onPageScrolled rather on than onTouch) which was the part that never got triggered on a Nexus 10 in a case without pull #3

cesine commented 10 years ago

this branch has the least code modifications but doesnt have any page flip or curl or book-like visuals until someone who konws more about drawing than me figures it out.

briangriffey commented 10 years ago

Please only open a pull request when you are ready for a pull.

cesine commented 10 years ago

Sorry about that! How do you do a code review on github without a PR? i suppose i could do the PR between my own branches if you prefer