brianhorakh / vita

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VITA version 1.3 - ISSUES #25

Open SeanGuerrero opened 8 years ago

SeanGuerrero commented 8 years ago

I downloaded the newest version for iPhone this morning and have encountered A LOT of issues. I will be updating them here so they can hopefully get checked off once completed.

As of now, the app is largely un-useable. From a user experience stand point, it is far from done.

Aside from small design issues, the app freezes constantly, many functions don't work, and simple things like swiping from screen to screen aren't working quickly enough because too many functions and processes are working in the background. Within the first 30 minutes of testing, I had to close out the entire app at least 10 times because it had frozen (this is unacceptable)

The app should work seemlessly and lightning quick like any other app on the market. There are no hitches or 1-5 second delays in order for a function to work. One of the main selling points for this app when we push to market is EASE OF USE. Please keep in mind the similar various functionalities of SnapChat and Instagram and please make the user experience similar.

SeanGuerrero commented 8 years ago

1) Remove this loading screen.

It takes about 5 seconds for the app to open to the camera screen which is WAY TOO LONG.
The camera needs to be usable at the touch a button. No other processes need to start to load or function until the CAMERA is usable first.

SeanGuerrero commented 8 years ago

2) App Freezes every time you click settings from the menu. settingsfreeze App freezes on that second screen and you can't click anything or click back.

SeanGuerrero commented 8 years ago

3) Remove these "REVIEW" screens.

I instructed you to hold off on putting these in or spending time on them. I would rather perfect the posting of an event first. Please remove for now.

SeanGuerrero commented 8 years ago

4) Please USE EXACT design files that were provided. There is NO REASON why you should recreate images that are provided in a workable design document. AI files can be sized to scale with ease. Recreating designs is just wasted time. designcreateevent

SeanGuerrero commented 8 years ago

5) Please pay attention to spacing especially with this grid. Too much white border in grid view.


SeanGuerrero commented 8 years ago

6) Please pay attention to sizing of fonts and buttons.

Vita logo should be congruent to design file. back arrow and vita logo are a bit too big.


SeanGuerrero commented 8 years ago

7) Locator button doesn't work on map. img_7031

SeanGuerrero commented 8 years ago

8) When swiping to map, Should not have a wide view at first. Because the Map starts loaded every single pin on the world view. Map should not start loading every single pin/event right away.

We can minimize a lot of load and processes if a user swipes to the map and it locates them and only shows a 10 mile radius of current location and delivers pins within that radius to view. Then if a user scrolls out, THEN the map can start loading more pins. This should help out load time.

SeanGuerrero commented 8 years ago

9) Do not decrease opacity of buttons and colors on this screen. only the grey background. img_7015

SeanGuerrero commented 8 years ago

10) Many Problems uploading a new event.

Took two photos from my camera roll to create a new event. img_7026 The 2 photos were crystal clear on my camera roll, but when they uploaded to VITA, I looked more closely at the thumbnails and they were blurry.

Once I pressed the "update" button to create the event, the pin didn't show up on the map. I had to close out the entire app and restart it for the new event to show. Creating a new event and dropping a new pin on the map should be instantaneous.

Additionally, when I created that new event, the pin was dropped at my current location and NOT at the place where the pics were originally taken. It did NOT analyze the exif data to draw the correct coordinates to drop the pin at.

Also, once it did create the event, the 2 pics didn't even appear in the new event! img_7034

SeanGuerrero commented 8 years ago

11) Should be able to write different captions for all individual media being uploaded to an event. img_7027

Currently the app only allows you update caption for one pic and it stays static in the box even when you click to the next thumbnail.

Also, ONE CLICK of the thumbnail should move the carrot/triangle underneath the thumbnail to update a new caption. Double click of a thumbnail should only allow a user to view in full view.

SeanGuerrero commented 8 years ago

12) Display pin label next to pin on map. Currently it is above. img_7012

SeanGuerrero commented 8 years ago

13) Pin icon should take user to original event on map. img_7010

SeanGuerrero commented 8 years ago


brianhorakh commented 7 years ago


It might be better for India if you were to put one issue per github issue. I don't know which ones they're going to need my help with, or which are UI issues.

I'm sending it BACK to you since I'm not sure which (if any) are still issues.