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Video Uploading Issue #35

Open iAppTechGary opened 7 years ago

iAppTechGary commented 7 years ago

1.In some case when we upload a video ,the thumbnail we get in return from server is disoriented.Please check this Example .

{ bumps = 0; caption = ""; category = VITAL; created = "2016-09-22 23:36:13"; evid = "715E8462-8158-11E6-9CD7-AB5188229055"; "media_url" = ""; mediaid = 1435; "thumb_url" = ""; title = Hi; uid = 101; url = ""; }

2.I found an issue in some cases(Videos Having ExifData) while uploading some videos to server. The Event is created with success.but while uploading the video data response is not successful.However the response contain the video url which is playing the video(this means video has been uploaded),but success = 0 instead success = 1.

For example following event is Created…… { dbid = 554; evid = "0FAB5318-816B-11E6-AA79-AB5188229055"; now = "2016-09-23 01:49:04"; success = 1; }

and I get this response after Video uploaded….. { now = "2016-09-23 01:49:55"; success = 0; url = ""; }

@brianhorakh @SeanGuerrero