briankendall / proxy-audio-device

A virtual audio driver for macOS to sends all audio to another output
The Unlicense
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Keep having to kill coreaudio #19

Open hwamil opened 1 year ago

hwamil commented 1 year ago

Device: MBP 2016 TB 13,3

First, thank you for this awesome program.




I'm not sure if this is unique to my setup and thought maybe I've missed something. Thanks again!

SaruManiac commented 1 year ago


First of all, thank you for this piece of software. :)

I'm having the same issue here with a MBA M1.

The recreation is exactly the same as above:

Not playing sounds for random amount of time For example, sometimes proxy-audio stops outputting when I pause a yt video for several seconds and resume.

The workarround I'm using for the moment is to sudo launchctl kickstart -k system/

Regards. :)

briankendall commented 1 year ago

This issue is very elusive and while I'm aware of it I've never been able to track it down. For the time being though I'm going to try dogfooding and see how things go if I use Proxy Audio Device on my main mac for a while. If I can reproduce the issue I can at least attempt to fix it!

psoberoi commented 1 year ago

I'm having the same issue and it seems reproducible. If I can help by sending you some logs, etc., please let me know. I'd be happy to run a customized version with extra logging.

taswope commented 1 year ago

Thank you so, so much for Proxy Audio Device. It is a simple and beautiful fix.

I just installed this yesterday on my Macbook Air M2, and when I returned to work the next day (having left my MacBook plugged into my Dell U2723QE hub monitor) and woke my computer, the sound was gone. I restarted core audio, and it was back.

joeyhoer commented 1 year ago

I've been having this issue as well, and my solution has been to open the "Proxy Audio Device Settings" app, and then change the "proxied device" from my monitor to my Mac and then back, which seems to effectively restart the process. I'm going to try to restart coreaudio in the future to see if that works.

wcbrown86 commented 1 year ago

Any possible update or movement on this issue? Thanks for all you do!

briankendall commented 1 year ago

Would any of you be willing to try out this test build?

To install it, copy the driver in that archive over top of the old one like you did when installing the app, and then restart CoreAudio with sudo launchctl kickstart -k system/

It's got a hacky and experimental fix for this issue. I'm curious if it works, but it's very hard for me to test on my end, since a) not all of my systems experience this issue, and b) it takes hours for it to happen.

wcbrown86 commented 1 year ago

Yes, I will install it tonight and test it over the weekend. Thanks!

briankendall commented 1 year ago

I was just playing around with this test build today, and it seems to get into a state where it will start continuously outputting garbled audio or irritating tones, particularly when nothing is playing audio to the driver. So obviously this is not a good fix, though I'm still curious if any of you had any success with it. I'm still not sure if it at least fixes the original problem.

vicomte commented 1 year ago

Tried this last night and seemed to work better. However today I am resetting my device as before so not sure why the inconsistency. I think I rebooted awhile before trying it yesterday and haven't since then.

kilinccagatay commented 1 year ago

I created this script to easily restart core audio. either you can create your own terminal command saved as file like bellow or you can use mine in the attachements.

launchctl kickstart -k system/ exit

weinberz commented 10 months ago

just wanted to add a +1 to experiencing this. Didn't try the test that @briankendall shared above because of the follow up about weird noises. Happy to test any subsequent builds though!

bin101 commented 10 months ago

Can also confirm, once in a while a have to restart the audio daemon...

vicomte commented 10 months ago

Is anybody noticing NOT having to restart coreaudio recently? About a week ago I set my buffer size to 1024, and active 'when proxied device is active' and I haven't had to touch it since... I didn't want to comment until I had a reason to reboot and still was working and that day is today!. Here's hoping. M2 Max MBP, 32gb, Ventura 13.3.1

briankendall commented 9 months ago

Actually, now that you mention it, setting it to be active "when proxied device is active" might be a helpful workaround. I think the issue could still come up when playing continuous audio for long periods of time, but for other uses it will avoid the issue, since any time audio stops playing the proxy device will reset all of its audio buffers.