brianlala / AutoSPInstaller

Automated SharePoint 2010/2013/2016/2019/SE PowerShell-based installation script.
MIT License
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webapplication provision on WFE #67

Closed hr-crd closed 3 years ago

hr-crd commented 3 years ago

is there anyway can autospinstaller restrict webapplication provision on ONLY Web Front End servers for SP2019? I saw that sites are provisioned on APP servers too :(. There is no provision tag for ... it was there in 2013 desktop version

brianlala commented 3 years ago

This actually isn't an AutoSPInstaller thing, this is SharePoint 2016+ thing. MinRole determines which servers will have the Foundation Web Application service provisioned and this in turn controls which servers get the web apps provisioned on them. And Application Server and Application Server with Search MinRoles both have that service provisioned by default.

hr-crd commented 3 years ago

Thank you for clarification