brianlala / AutoSPInstaller

Automated SharePoint 2010/2013/2016/2019/SE PowerShell-based installation script.
MIT License
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SharePoint Web Services Root (Application Pool) #74

Open centuryx476 opened 3 years ago

centuryx476 commented 3 years ago

There is one application pool that has no managed account assigned to it. The "SharePoint Web Services Root". It is using "LocalService". Very rarely now this one application pool turns its self off and I have to manually start it again and I believe it is because no managed account is handling it. I have been all over the AutoSPInstaller and cannot find any reference to it being configured.

Is their a way to add a configuration for this application pool to the AUtoSPInstaller. If so, which account do we assign ? SP_Farm, SP_Admin, etc..

Thank You

UmrG commented 3 years ago

App Pool "SharePoint Web Services Root" by default runs under localService account in SPFarm. No Place in the script to change it with a different account. You can change it manually from IIS but I will not recommend it.