brianlala / AutoSPInstaller

Automated SharePoint 2010/2013/2016/2019/SE PowerShell-based installation script.
MIT License
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Has AutoSPInstaller development ceased? #94

Closed cloudgreen closed 1 year ago

cloudgreen commented 1 year ago

@brianlala Has the development of the world's best SharePoint Server installation tool ceased? Or has it maybe reached "perfection" and thanks to the evergreen Subscription Edition does not necessitate any further development?

Thank you for your fantastic work during the years! 💚

brianlala commented 1 year ago

Essentially, yes :|

...Except the world's best SP installation tool is now SharePointDSC (and it has been for a while). I myself have been using that almost exclusively lately. Check it out!

My job role has shifted to be primarily cloud-focused (SPO etc.) Plus the last major changes to AutoSPInstaller were indeed focused around Subscription Edition, and where necessary I might make minor fixes here and there to ensure it continues to remain compatible, but other than that I don't plan any more major enhancements.

cloudgreen commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your reply, Brian!

Oh, SharePointDSC sounds very interesting, thanks for the pointer. 😊I can't believe I haven't run into it until now!

When it comes to the installation of SharePoint, can you do everything with SharePointDSC that you can do with AutoSPInstaller?

I'm glad you still plan on implementing smaller fixes to keep AutoSPInstaller compatible, I suspect there could be a lot of people having dependencies on it. At least for some time, until the successor has gained more usage.

But I gotta say, you (and the community around) had a really good run with AutoSPInstaller! 👏😃

brianlala commented 1 year ago

Yes SharePointDSC essentially has feature parity with AutoSPInstaller (plus more). It's also more modular and extensible by design.


cloudgreen commented 1 year ago

Sounds great, will look into DSC and thank you for all your hard work. It has helped a lot, during the years! 😀👍