brianlangseth-NOAA / Spatial-Workshop-SPASAM

Spatially stratified simulation-estimation framework incorporating multistage stock-recruit relationships and incorporating larval IBM outputs
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TAGGING: YFT tagging set up is much less detailed than TIM #12

Closed brianlangseth-NOAA closed 2 years ago

brianlangseth-NOAA commented 2 years ago

Figured out why #OBS_tag_prop_final in OM.rep is 196 x 6.

From EM.tpl OBS_tag_prop_final(1,np,1,nreg,1,nyr_rel,1,na,1,nt) which for base set up is 1, 1, 7,28,nt. nt is the vector of years after tagging and is based on the longevity of the tags (max_life_tags). Right now max_life_tags in the OM is 5 years, and release years aren't within 5 years of the endyr, thus the props track tag recoveries five years after each tagging event.

UPDATE: The final column (6th year is to account for tags that aren't recaptured). This allows the columns to sum to one across possible recapture events.

UPDATE: It is 7 groups of 28 rows. The first 28 entries are for each age and are for the first release year, row 29 is the first age in the second release year.