brianlangseth-NOAA / Spatial-Workshop-SPASAM

Spatially stratified simulation-estimation framework incorporating multistage stock-recruit relationships and incorporating larval IBM outputs
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sim_tim and diagnostics #fleets #4

Open JDeroba opened 2 years ago

JDeroba commented 2 years ago

I started fixing the sim_tim and tim_diagnostics R code to make it function with multiple fleets, but I didn't finish. For example, I made it work for situations where all fleets have the same logistic selectivity shape. We'll need to copy paste that solution into the code for other selectivity shapes, and eventually write new code for when fleets have different selectivity shapes (currently not implemented in SPASAM; #5). Also note that my "solution" just allows the code to run, but the plots produced are incorrect because all fleets are plotted in a single panel, which makes interpretation impossible. So we might need to fix that too.