brianlangseth-NOAA / Spatial-Workshop-SPASAM

Spatially stratified simulation-estimation framework incorporating multistage stock-recruit relationships and incorporating larval IBM outputs
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Setup for movement in final spatial model runs #55

Closed brianlangseth-NOAA closed 1 year ago

brianlangseth-NOAA commented 1 year ago

Here are the various movement assumptions that we have made across various model runs (see issue #50), but here they are all in a single location. The OM .dat file provides a description of the various movement scenarios set ups

  1. There should be a movement penalty used when estimating any type of movement. This is what we currently have.

    • move_pen = 1 (switch), wt_move_pen = 1 (value), and Tpen = -1.5 (value). This assumes ~80% residency
  2. For age- and time-invariant movement. This is what we currently have.

    • move_switch = 2 (this is a switch, 2 means estimate) and phase_T_CNST = 2 (this is a phase, it could be any phase but I have used 2 in the past)

For new more complicated movement assumptions, use the following

  1. For age varying (time-invariant)

    • move_switch_EM = 2 (this is a switch) and phase_T_CNST_AGE_no_AG1 = 2 (this is a phase). This estimates residency for all ages but age 1, which is set to 100%, and is what I used in my explorations. If want to estimate age 1 as well, set T_CNST_AGE = 2 (this is a phase).
  2. For time varying (age-invariant)

    • move_switch_EM = 2 (this is a switch) and ph_T_YR = 2 (this is a phase).
  3. For time and age varying

    • If want for every year and age: move_switch_EM = 2 (this is a switch), ph_T_YR_AGE = 2 (this is a phase)
    • If want with some type of block: move_switch_EM = 2 (this is a switch), ph_T_YR_AGE_ALT_FREQ = 2 (this is a phase), T_est_age_freq = 2 (this is a value; every 2 years)m and T_est_freq = 8 (this is a value; every 8 years). These values are what I had tried in the past, but I did not add to github because the run time was super slow (note for that run I did not apply the movement penalty, so that could have sped things up perhaps).
    • You can also do both of the above with no age1 estimation (assume 100% residency) by adding _no_AG1 to the phase settings

Age and year blocking can work with any set up, it doesn't have to be BOTH age and time varying.

brianlangseth-NOAA commented 1 year ago

@JDeroba I notice that T_est_age_freq = 2 is set in my recent model. It likely is set that way throughout our runs, however without ph_T_YR_AGE_ALT_FREQ being positive, movement should still be estimated for every age (when movement by age is estimated).

brianlangseth-NOAA commented 1 year ago

Resolution in #57 and #58