My attempt to synthesize all of the many emails from Berger. Here are the tasks we need to do with a due date by May 5
[x] Please upload the model files necessary to run your models (one-area, four-area, other) to the project google drive in your teams subfolder. I interpret this to be only the single dataset run. Only need to our spatial models as the one area model is done.
UPDATE: Uploaded the final panmictic (YFT_1area_7fleets_14) and spatial (YFT_2area_4fleets_F0.0001_18alk) model files (.tpl, .dat, and .exe) to the drive on April 28
[x] Please upload (if you haven't already) results files (rdata) for each model (one-area, four-area, other) for all 100 (or N) simulations. We've done this for the single area model already. Only needed for our spatial model.
[x] ~3 paragraphs of text that includes the following:
a general description of your modeling platform (this is very general and can cite more specific papers as they exist)
your model development approach(es); again, this will need to be as succinct as possible hitting on the main points (not the weedy details)
related to the above, a description of the primary parameterization
[x] Fill in some general information for your platform and approach(es) in two tables located in this google sheet (see separate sheets). @JDeroba Ive added the basice, feel free to improve.
My attempt to synthesize all of the many emails from Berger. Here are the tasks we need to do with a due date by May 5