brianpetro / jsbrains

A collection of low-to-no dependency modules for building smart apps with JavaScript
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FR Smart Chunks Implemented CSV parsing #2

Open Ecosantos opened 1 year ago

Ecosantos commented 1 year ago

Hi, first I'd like to thank you for this fantastic tool. Integrating ChatGPT + Obsidian is really game-changing. Therefore, I think that permitting Smart Connection to read tables in the notes might skyrocket its potential.

I use the 'CSV table' plugin Available here which allows me to embed tables along my note, unfortunately, I cannot provide access to Smart Connection to the table. So, I think should be amazing if someone can improve this aspect.

See below an example with a fake table.


aikruger commented 7 months ago

This would be a fantastic addition

brianpetro commented 7 months ago

Better integration with markdown tables is in the roadmap.

@aikruger Are you specifically wanting the CSV tables? Or the markdown ones?

Thanks 🌴

aikruger commented 7 months ago

Great news indeed, yes it would be really fantastic to have csv's index as such, I have very large data dictionaries and business glossaries that do not render well in markdown but it would be fantastic to be able to query them

brianpetro commented 7 months ago

@aikruger good to know.

Currently, markdown is the focus, but I'll see what I can do about CSVs when implementing the markdown tables, as I'm sure there's a lot of overlap. So it might be easy from there.
