brianpetro / obsidian-smart-connections

Chat with your notes & see links to related content with AI embeddings. Use local models or 100+ via APIs like Claude, Gemini, ChatGPT & Llama 3
GNU General Public License v3.0
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FR Automated Note Linking #661

Open chrisfurlong-aiwyn opened 4 months ago

chrisfurlong-aiwyn commented 4 months ago

Given the existing foundation, this should be relatively straightforward to implement.

Given that each note / markdown block is already captured as a vector embedding and displayed when viewing a note, it seems like it'd be simple to create an automated mechanism to link noted and create appropriate backlinks.

It could start as something where the user can define the similarity threshold that'd warrant a link, and perhaps the UX just dovetails off of what's there and allows a user to create a "link" if desired, on a per note / block basis.

You could track the links that people create and see if they're consistently over a certain threshold and automate more of it. I'd personally prefer more of a "pruning exercise" (eliminating false links in a simplistic way) to having to explicitly create each link.

Effectively, this would enable someone to bring in your plugin and "heal" a poorly maintained vault.

brianpetro commented 4 months ago

Hi @chrisfurlong-aiwyn

I'm interested to know more about the potential use-cases for automated linking, and what it might look like. For example, are we linking from words within existing content, or adding a list of potentially relevant links?

Auto-linking and tagging are something I've thought about, but most often, it is suggested to make the "graph view" useful with Smart Connections data. But, recently, Smart Connections Visualizer set out to make a graph view based on Smart Connections. While it currently only has the equivalent of a "Local Graph View" (current note as the center node), we've already had extensive discussions about all the possibilities that come with using the same Smart Connections data to present a vault-level graph view.

Another thought I had is that a "Smart Templates" plugin might be of interest to you with regards to "healing a poorly maintained vault."

While it's still a work in progress, a templating system that outputs structured notes based on unstructured (my thought as to what you mean by "poorly maintained") content.
