brianpetro / smart-connect

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Minimising Smart Connect Application to Tray and Start on Windows boot #10

Open j-finger opened 1 month ago

j-finger commented 1 month ago

It would be nice to be able to minimise the Smart Connect Program to the tray instead of having to leave it open all the time.

Additionally it would be nice to be able to start the application on boot.

Using Windows 11

brianpetro commented 1 month ago

If you are "connected" to the official service (requires connection key) then the app should remain in the system tray when closed. But if not connected, then it will completely closed.

Are you only using Smart Connect for improved embeddings in the Smart Connections Obsidian plugin? I think it makes sense to implement the system tray feature when not connected for people using the embedding processing.

And adding to the "start-up apps" is already on the roadmap, but I'm going to add priority to it based on this request.

Thanks for using Smart Connect and the feedback/suggestions 😊🌴

j-finger commented 1 month ago

I don't have the official service because I'm a uni student and I'm broke. I have custom web-domain which I tunnel for free using CloudFlare (this gives me a permanent custom URL that I can use so I don't have to restart the service every time).

Although I would be happy to pay for the service if I could get a student discount for like $5 a month, I run a lot of custom GPT's for each of my subjects and my general workflow i.e. multiple system messages for each GPT. It just makes more sense that I run my own connections and set them up how I want them.

At the moment I am just making a new desktop workspace and dragging the window over to there to get it out of my task bar. I do notice when I do this that it does appear in my system tray for my primary desktop workspace.

Great stuff! Love your work, can't wait to see where this is in 6 months!

While I'm here I might just leave some random bits of feedback while I am thinking about them.



Regarding the plugin itself



Apologies for the wall of text, I just really like this plugin and want to give some quality feedback if I can. Best Regards

brianpetro commented 4 weeks ago

@j-finger thanks for the detailed feedback😊

Auto-launch at start-up is now a toggle-able feature:

Screenshot 2024-06-06 at 3 34 15 PM

I don't have the official service because I'm a uni student and I'm broke

While it isn't quite as low as you were probably hoping, a monthly service option is now available:

You can't add your own custom password/api key. It's just an uneditable text box

This is on the to-do list.

The section to select your vault should be more specific. Which folder should we be selecting in this hierarchy? ParentFolder?>Vault?>Main?

That's a very valid point. This is something I've been thinking about how to improve. Initially, I simply copied Obsidian with "Vault path." But I get that this isn't very intuitive, especially for non-Obsidian users, which I'm working on doing a better job of supporting, particularly for developers and their code repositories.

In the near future, multiple folders will be able to be selected. And these folders will make up your "Smart Environment." Smart Environments are designed to be a safe workspace for the AI to operate within. I'll be working on clarifying this concept, but here is a short video in the meantime

Perhaps as well as start-up launch, launching the Smart Connect app on Obsidian start-up would be helpful? Even if that meant the user had to explicitly click run on a popup or something? Not sure the feasibility within Obsidian though

Agreed. The integration with the Smart Connections Obsidian plugin needs work from a UX perspective. I think your proposal is a good one. I'll have to see what I can do.

Perhaps make a toggle for 'Official Connection/Custom Connection' that shows/hides the settings fields that are only relevant for either connection type. i.e get rid of the email and key fields/etc... when selecting custom connection

Slider switches aren't centred properly

Yes, these UI elements will be improved, though wrapping up some key functionalities is currently taking precedence over this.

Make it easier/provide more links to purchase the subscription! (even if I can't afford it) it took me a lot of digging to find it! Google did not help and I was ONLY able to get the link via clicking certain links in the menus. Perhaps create a section within your smart connection regarding that. Hope people who can afford it can more easily support your work.

I appreciate this suggestion! Since the software is still very actively under development with frequent breaking changes, I have been hesitant to promote the paid subscriptions. But as helpful early adopters, like yourself, continue to help me improve, I will be doing more to promote the opportunity to subscribe/support.

plugin A editor width slider plugin I have makes it such that I can't access the settings properly/editing the messages is difficult

That's a tough one, but this UI will continue to be improved. Recently, the settings were moved to the top of the chat area, so this specific issue may already be fixed.

Settings for smart connection related files is a little broken

Similarly to the above, I think this should now be fixed.

Maybe some more description for these entities in the settings. It took me a while to figure out what they did

Indeed. I am aware that documentation on this sort of thing is lacking throughout. I'll be working towards improving this, but once again there are some key features I'm still working on that are taking precedence.

Maybe make it a little more explicit how the embeddings are actually being used. Are they just used by the related files/smart connections tab? Are they used in Smart Chat? Are they used by custom GPT's/SmartConnectGPT?

The embeddings are used in a variety of ways. And they are also utilized by companion plugins, like for additional use-cases.

They are used in the Smart Chat.

Maybe more distinctive naming for Smart Connections (the plugin) and SmartConnectGPT (the app/chatbot)

Yeah, this needs some more clarification.

I hope that clears some things up for you, and thanks again for the insightful feedback!


brianpetro commented 4 weeks ago

Hey again @j-finger

I would love to enable more people to use Smart Connect for free like you do.

Can you share more details about how you're doing it?

Are you using CloudFlare to connect Smart Connect to ChatGPT? What's required to do that? Any helpful tutorials you can point to?

Anything you can share would be a big help for both me and others who can't afford the service 🙏


brianpetro commented 2 weeks ago

@j-finger just following up on this. Have any interest in sharing?

j-finger commented 1 week ago

@brianpetro I do I have just been very busy. When I get some time I might be able to DM you my unfinished notes. Bets Regards