Closed TerriblyVexed closed 1 year ago
Sorry this has taken so long to get back to. Now that it's switched over to a commandline tool that you don't need to build (dotnet tool install etc) And there is a parameter you can use to provide the destination server headers. --destinationServerHeaders or -dh "Authentication: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxx"
Edit: "Authorization: Bearer ..." (as noted below, thanks enjoysparkling)
@brianpos - We are having the same issue. This is the first time we have tried using the tool.
Server: Azure Health Data Services FHIR service FHIR version: R4
I want to test to make sure I have the us.core 6.0.0 properly loaded on the server (previously loaded with the microsoft-fhir-cli tool):
Command: UploadFIG -pid -pv 6.0.0 -c -d https://<my_server> -dh "Authorization: Bearer xxxxx" --verbose
Error, I get this for every resource:
Warning: CodeSystem/us-core-provenance-participant-type Operation was unsuccessful because of a client error (NotAcceptable). OperationOutcome: Overall result: FAILURE (1 errors and 0 warnings)
[ERROR] (no details)(further diagnostics: Value supplied for the "Accept" header is not supported.)
Attempted resolutions:
az login
on the same tenant, same error.-dh Authentication: Bearer xxxx
-dh Authorization: Bearer xxxx
to be Authorization instead of Authentication, same error either way.-dh "Accept: */*"
, same error.Screenshot (working Postman request header):
The message is on the accept header, not the authorization header.
Maybe try the -df json
Thank you, that did the trick! It did require -dh "Authorization: Bearer xxx" (not Authentication). But I did not have to do the az login.
So, to get this to work on Azure FHIR service, I ran:
UploadFIG -pid -pv 6.0.0 -c -d https://<my_server> -df json -dh "Authorization:Bearer xxxx" --verbose
I'm getting this error on every file in the IG. Do I need to disable authentication to use this tool? I'm trying to use this on Azure API for Fhir.