brianrho / FPM

Arduino library for the R30x/ZFMxx/FPMxx optical fingerprint sensors
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image over udp python example? #47

Closed NaMLiM closed 1 year ago

NaMLiM commented 1 year ago

hello, did u have an example python code for getting the fingerprint image over udp? i tried modifying your code but the result is just a white image like this...

sorry i have never tinker with binary data so i don't know how u assemble it in the code


brianrho commented 1 year ago

Hi, are you able to successfully run the image-to-pc example at least?

What does your modified look like? You can provide it through

NaMLiM commented 1 year ago

yes, i can send the image through serial using the example code.

this is the modified code

this is wireshark showing my pc receive packet from udp port 9999 image

brianrho commented 1 year ago

Okay, a few things:

Without such a marker, for now, you'll need to have the script running first, before you place your finger on the sensor to start the image-transfer. This should ensure that the UDP server receives every packet sent by the Arduino.

When the Arduino stops sending data for 5s or the script has read enough data for an image, the script will end.

brianrho commented 1 year ago

Keep in mind that Wireshark only shows the data being sent over the network, but not necessarily whether the script/application is reading/processing said data i.e. a closed port. There are no ACKs etc. with UDP -- best you can hope for when sending data to a closed port, is ICMP errors and I don't think these are guaranteed from all devices.

NaMLiM commented 1 year ago

thank you ... it worked 👍

one more question... can you recommend me a fingerprint matching library for r307? i tried using SourceAFIS(c#) but the similarity score is always bad my sensor can match fingerprint just fine using the built in matcher.

this is the fp image taken from the sensor finger4

brianrho commented 1 year ago

You mean a library for PC-side matching?

I briefly considered porting SourceAFIS a long time ago, but didn't get very far. Still, it should work so long as you feed it images correctly, though I haven't tried it myself.

You can also try this. It should enable you generate templates and perform 1:1 matching, using a DLL "offered" by the sensor manufacturers. Windows and Linux are supported.

brianrho commented 1 year ago

I'll be closing this, if that answers your questions.