briansmith / ring

Safe, fast, small crypto using Rust
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X25519 (and/or ECDH in general) with static keys #331

Open danburkert opened 7 years ago

danburkert commented 7 years ago

Hi, while attempting to add ring as a backend to a Noise implementation, I found that ring does not support DH key agreement with static keys. Static DH is required for the protocol. Is static DH support planned? Are there any workarounds in the meantime (perhaps a way to unsafely clone the key?).

briansmith commented 7 years ago

Are there any workarounds in the meantime (perhaps a way to unsafely clone the key?).

We do everything we can do to ensure that isn't possible.

Hi, while attempting to add ring as a backend to a Noise implementation, I found that ring does not support DH key agreement with static keys. Static DH is required for the protocol. Is static DH support planned?

Yes, it is. In particular, I explicitly want to make it possible to implement Noise using ring.

Basically, we need to create a ring::agreement::StaticKeyPair to go alongside ring::agreement::EphemeralPrivateKey. In fact, ring::signature::Ed25519KeyPair isn't too far from what we need.

So, at this point, it's simply a matter of getting the code and tests written.

briansmith commented 7 years ago

To clarify some things:

briansmith commented 7 years ago

Hi @danburkert, I took a peek at your fork and saw that you started working on this a couple weeks ago. Are you planning to keep working on it? Is there anything I can do to help, beyond the writing of notes in my previous comment above? Thanks!

danburkert commented 7 years ago

Hi @briansmith. Unfortunately I will not have any time soon to wrap it up. The notes you gave are good, and if I get time to revisit in the future I will definitely take them into account, I just can't promise when that would be.

briansmith commented 7 years ago

Hi @briansmith. Unfortunately I will not have any time soon to wrap it up. The notes you gave are good, and if I get time to revisit in the future I will definitely take them into account, I just can't promise when that would be.

Understood. Thanks!

sauyon commented 7 years ago

Is there no way to simply create an ec private key from DER/PEM/etc?

briansmith commented 7 years ago

It's coming soon. ECDSA code is already written. X25519 and P-256/P-384 ECDH will follow shortly.

briansmith commented 7 years ago

Depends on #508.

realcr commented 6 years ago

Hi, I have a similar problem. I want to be able to perform DH key agreement with static keys, but it seems like ring's agreement::EphemeralPrivateKey interface doesn't allow to import my own private key.

Edit: I added a bounty for this issue.


kamyuentse commented 6 years ago

Hi, @briansmith I am trying to implement the X25519StaticKeyPair, what I want to do is the following:

Introduce a struct name X25519StaticPair as you mentioned above,

pub struct X22519StaticKeyPair {
    private_key: ec::PrivateKey,
    public_key: [u8; 32usize],
    alg: &'static Algorithm,

then implement it with the following function:

and some helper function, like the private_key() -> &ec::PrivateKey and so on...

Finally, the place of the agree() function is confusing me, if place it inside the impl X25519StaticKeyPair block, that will make the API inconsistent(compare with agree_ephemeral), but if I place it outside the impl block, the naming is a problem, maybe x25519_agree() will be a choice? Notice that this function doesn't consume PrivateKey.

Anything I miss?

jprider63 commented 6 years ago

I'm interested in this functionality. It seems like #602 implements this. Do you think this will be merged soon?

TheBestJohn commented 5 years ago

Adding my interest for non ethereal Agreement using X25519. Trying to implement whisper systems double ratcheting algorithm and recommended in their docs

ColonelThirtyTwo commented 2 years ago

I'll bump this because I am interested too.

I'm not happy to see the "premier" crypto library for Rust lack this basic feature for half a decade, especially after multiple MRs appear to implement it.

JavaDerg commented 1 year ago

@briansmith Is this still worked on? This issue has been open for 6 years now, and in 2017 you stated the following:

It's coming soon. ECDSA code is already written. X25519 and P-256/P-384 ECDH will follow shortly.

There have been 2 MRs to this point as far as I can tell which both seem to implement this? At this point, are there any plans to support this?