briansmith / webpki

WebPKI X.509 Certificate Validation in Rust
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Is there a version of webpki that builds with ring version "0.17.0-not-released-yet" #253

Open jvimal opened 2 years ago

jvimal commented 2 years ago

I am trying to build and integrate ring/webpki targeting Windows arm64. I am able to build the main branch of ring thanks to some recent fixes for Windows compilation, but the main branch of webpki doesn't compile with ring 0.17.0 unreleased.

Is there a branch of webpki that does? I understand this is a work in progress. Apologies if this isn't the right forum for the question!

Dirreke commented 1 year ago

I want to do somethins similar, is there a branch of webpki that does?

decaz commented 1 year ago

@briansmith do you have plans to update "ring" dependency version?