briansunter / logseq-plugin-gpt3-openai

A plugin for GPT-3 AI assisted note taking in Logseq
MIT License
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The unnecessary break line between paragraphs #120

Open Shi-Chi opened 11 months ago

Shi-Chi commented 11 months ago

Thank you for developing this useful plugin. I have a small question and hope to get an answer from you. When I send a request to GPT, the response always has blank lines between paragraphs. Can these blank lines not be added automatically? For my subsequent uses, I always need to manually delete the blank lines between each paragraph, which is time consuming. I have tried adding "Do not add blank lines between paragraphs" in the OpenAI Chat Prompt, but it does not follow my command. Is there any other way?

thams commented 7 months ago

@Shi-Chi Can you provide example text, both what you get from GPT, and what you wish it to be?

Shi-Chi commented 7 months ago

Thank you for your reply, The first picture, "01", shows the response from GPT, there are blank lines between the paragraphs; while the second picture, "02", is the result I want, where I have already deleted the blank lines. My current solution is to use a Logseq plugin called Tidy Up, which can help me delete blank lines, and it has already met my needs. However, it would be fantastic if you plan to add a more effective way of controlling GPT to your plugin.

01 02