briansunter / logseq-plugin-gpt3-openai

A plugin for GPT-3 AI assisted note taking in Logseq
MIT License
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Unknown error #121

Open yaakovEntin opened 11 months ago

yaakovEntin commented 11 months ago

Hi Brian, I hope this message finds you well. I appreciate the fantastic tool you've developed. It has the potential to greatly assist me in my work. However, I'm currently facing an issue. The popup window displays "Error - Unknown error." I've input my openAI key but I've been unable to locate any error logs. I've tried different prompt types. Could you please provide some guidance on how to resolve this matter. Are there any troubleshooting steps you recommend, or is there additional information you need from me? Thank you for your time and effort in developing this tool, and I look forward to your assistance in resolving this issue. Best regards, yentin

krzakx commented 10 months ago

Same for me: image

any advice on that please?

Dyutin commented 10 months ago


Showing the same error for me too. Please someone suggest a fix

juanjonavarro commented 10 months ago

Hello. You can open the developer tools (Ctrl-Shift-i on Windows/Linux) and inspect the "completion" call in the network tab.



MarsEdmonton commented 10 months ago

I have the same problem. If the model does not exist, then which model should I use?

juanjonavarro commented 10 months ago

You can use any model available for the /v1/chat/completions endpoint:

gpt-4, gpt-4-0613, gpt-4-32k, gpt-4-32k-0613, gpt-3.5-turbo, gpt-3.5-turbo-0613, gpt-3.5-turbo-16k, gpt-3.5-turbo-16k-0613

Note that the gpt-4 models are only available to "those who have made at least one successful payment through our developer platform."


This means

MarsEdmonton commented 10 months ago

Thanks for your comments. But I've tried all the models, and the error still persists. So it's not because of the model.

juanjonavarro commented 10 months ago

What error do you get on the developers tool?

MarsEdmonton commented 10 months ago

Not sure how to check the developer tool. Your previous post is a puzzle for me: when/where to open the developer tool? Sorry I am not a programmer.

MarsEdmonton commented 10 months ago

I found it! It indicated that I don't have quota now. Weird, I can use ChatGPT now, but not Quota?

juanjonavarro commented 10 months ago

ChatGPT and OpenAI API access are two different services. They provide us with a "free" welcome credit, but you must provide your card information afterward.

MarsEdmonton commented 10 months ago

Thanks! Now I get it.

Gurp5 commented 9 months ago

Thank you for this I discovered this today, now its working!

thams commented 9 months ago

ChatGPT and OpenAI API access are two different services. They provide us with a "free" welcome credit, but you must provide your card information afterward.

This might be a good tip to add to the readme. Probably others will stumble on it.

(edit) Submitted PR for this:

thorrrr commented 6 months ago

ChatGPT and OpenAI API access are two different services. They provide us with a "free" welcome credit, but you must provide your card information afterward.

HI Are you saying it only works with a paid account now ? I can see adding a payment method but you have to deposit money with them

juanjonavarro commented 6 months ago

I'm not sure if you need to deposit money; this is an OpenAI payment policy. I recommend reaching out to their user support center with your question.

punkyard commented 1 month ago

Hi, for me, it just work every second day .. I will go and check my account though ..